Investigating the writing errors of elementary level English language learners in learning Persian language


  • Majid Matboei Bonab Master's student, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran Author


Error analysis, Confrontational investigation, Interlingual transfer, Intralingual transfer, Learning strategies, Communication strategies


Nowadays, analyzing the writing errors of Persian students at the introductory level of English language in order to identify problems that cause problems in learning and providing suitable solutions to improve educational materials and teaching methods is one of the most important things in writing. The present essay with a brief overview of the sources, theoretical framework and questions and hypotheses and description of the definition of concepts, research method, researched community, sampling and sampling methods, measurement tool, its implementation method and error analysis method. This research analyzes the writing errors of about 81 English language learners at the introductory level. Out of this number, 34 people were studying in the boys' comparative schools of Tehran city in both primary and secondary levels. 6 English-speaking men and women at the International Center for Persian Language Education in Tehran, 18 people at the Australian National University in Canberra, 12 people at the Melbourne Persian Language School in Australia, and 11 people at Washington University's St. Louis College are learning Persian in They were elementary level. The total number of errors of the researched people was 1024. These errors have been classified in the four fields of spelling, construction, syntax and lexical-semantic. The sub-categories of each of these areas are also specified. In this research, it has been shown that the most frequent errors are related to spelling and then syntax and its subcategories.






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