The Role Of Heritability Estimation In Determining And Analyzing Phenotypic Traits And Examining Environmental Influences On Them


  • Mahsa shahjouei Faculty of Life,Science and Biotecnology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran Author


heritability, cereal grains, grain yield, pest resistance, selective breeding


This study investigates heritability and the impact of environmental factors on key traits of cereal grains, particularly grain yield and pest resistance. The results indicated that heritability for grain yield and pest resistance was 0.65 and 0.75, respectively, reflecting the high potential of these traits for improvement through selective breeding. Additionally, a positive and significant correlation was observed between grain yield and pest resistance (r = 0.60), suggesting that selection for one of these traits could also enhance the other. Identification of associated QTLs for grain yield, particularly on chromosome 3B, has provided opportunities for molecular selection. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis revealed that environmental variables, especially water stress, significantly affect grain yield. These findings emphasize the need for comprehensive approaches in breeding programs and agricultural management to enhance productivity and sustainability in cereal grain production.






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