Interaction of hydraulic structures and soil and foundation engineering


  • Ahad Bagherzadeh Khalkhali - Assistant Professor, Department of Geotechnics, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran Author
  • Fahime Arefian Shahrbabaki Master's student in water engineering and hydraulic structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran Author
  • Ali Shahabi Master's student in Geotechnics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit, Tehran Author


Interaction of hydraulic structures, Soil and foundation engineering, Dam, Retaining wall, Buried pipe


In the seismic analysis of structures that are in contact with water and soil, various factors influence the final response of the structure. One of these factors is taking into account the direct effect of fluid and soil, which can be important especially during severe earthquakes and in tall structures. Due to this, various studies have been presented in the field of structure-fluid and structure-soil interaction analysis in various engineering sciences. In this research, firstly, different methods of analysis of structure-fluid interaction problems are examined, and then examples of the application of these methods using case studies conducted in the field of investigating the effect of the presence of fluid on structures such as retaining walls, concrete dams, gravel dams with Concrete cover and earthen dams and buried pipes were provided.






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