Writing guide
In terms of content
Articles to be accepted and published in this journal must have a title, abstract in Persian (for Persian articles) and English, key words, introduction, background, method, conclusion and a complete list of sources.
In addition, the list of sources should be separated into Persian (for Farsi articles) and Latin, and the sources should be arranged in the order of the text.
In terms of appearance
The article must be typed in the Word environment with Times New Roman font and the size of each article should be between 15-20 pages.
The number of keywords must be at least 4 and at most 6 words and written in Persian (for Persian articles) and English.
The abstract of the article should be written in Farsi (for Persian articles) and English and contain a maximum of 150 words.
Use APA in-text style for referencing.
For example, in the text of the article, after quoting the content, [the reference number should be mentioned] in crochet, for example [1]
And in the references section at the end of the article, it should be written as follows:
Last name of the author, name of the author (year of publication). The title of the book. Proofreader or translator, place of publication: name of the publisher, surname, name (year of publication). Title. Journal title, period, number.
Information related to academic degree, organizational affiliation, work organization or education of the author (including exact address, phone number and email address) should be provided along with the article.
The list of sources at the end of the article should be arranged as follows and in alphabetical order of the authors in the Farsi (for Farsi articles) and English section:
Book: surname, name (year of publication), book title, name and surname of the translator (if the book is a translation), place of publication, publisher.
Article: last name, name (year of publication), article title, name of the journal, period, issue, page number of the article in the journal.
Dissertation/dissertation: surname, name (year of publication), thesis title, unpublished master's thesis/doctoral thesis, university name.
Important points
The author or authors must undertake not to submit the article to another magazine at the same time or not to accept and publish the article in other magazines by compiling and sending a letter along with the article.
The responsibility of the content and materials presented in the article will be the responsibility of the author or authors.
The editorial board of the magazine will be free in the way of editing or arranging and summarizing the contents of the articles if necessary.