The effect of various casting variables on the fineness of aluminum alloys


  • Sepehr Araghi Master of Materials Engineering, Azad University, Quds city, Iran Author


Casting variables, Fineness, Aluminum alloys


In this research, the effect of various casting variables on the fineness of aluminum alloys has been studied. Researches have shown that there are many factors and various methods for aluminum alloys. Mainly in three thermal methods (1-cooling speed 2-supermelting 3-pressure), chemical (1-germinating materials 2-metal powder) and dynamic (1-vibration 2-gas bubbles 3-volatile coatings ) are divided. In the present project, various factors and methods have been investigated favorably. Generally, fine-grained structures have more favorable properties than coarse-grained structures. For this purpose, casters are always looking for ways to grind seeds. Adding a germinating agent to the melt is the most common method of grinding the seeds. In addition to this method, there are other agents and methods for crushing seeds that are used in special conditions. This research seeks to briefly examine the various factors and methods mentioned in the published articles.






Research article